Agency Sales (337) 739-1858

Agency References & Reviews
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Patriot™ series suppressors are designed to meet requirements specific to law enforcement and other government agency applications.
Acadian Armament works directly with agencies to maximize efficiencies and reduce costs. Often, products can be customized or configured to meet individual agency requests, such as material options, custom compliance marking, etc.
Agency Reviews
(Individual and Agency identities are redacted. Contact information will be provided only with explicit permission and to agency emails only.)
The Defender is on my 7.5" AR duty weapon and is so compact that I don't even know it's there other than how much it quiets the shot. My partner and I both came to appreciate it during in-vehicle ambush live-fire training scenarios, especially for the minimal smoke and blowback.
It's also my go-to on 224 Valkyrie for nighttime feral hog eradication. I can often take the shot without disturbing the rest of the sounder.
People are often amazed by the Defender. I've used and experienced other suppressors, and the Defender beats them all!
Lt. KR - ##SO SWAT - Sniper
Being a Police Department Armorer and Sniper, I’ve learned over the years to be skeptical of brands that are not “the ones we have always used”. Too many have failed the torture test of being given to a cop and shoved in a patrol car. When I first came into contact with Acadian Armament, I treated them no differently. I happily evaluated their suppressors for use, but also didn’t figure they’d cut it against some of the “big guys” we were considering. I was absolutely wrong. We have now outfitted all our snipers with Panteras, our whole SWAT Team has Defenders, and we are working on Patrol Officers next. The Defender is everybody’s favorite because it is quiet, accurate, light, and can easily be slipped inside of most free float rails. No more ear protection needed during the majority of our rifle training, so it makes training much more enjoyable. Acadian’s management is almost always available to answer questions. They have even implemented some of the suggestions we’ve given to make the cans more “cop friendly” (AKA so a multi-tool isn’t used to remove one from a barrel.) If you’re one of the skeptics like I was, give them a shot. You won’t regret it.
Cpl. CP - ##PD Armorer - Sniper
We’ve been running the Acadian Armament Defenders on our SRT team short-barreled rifles (10.5”) for a little over six months now and have put a few thousand rounds down range with no issues. They are hearing safe even in close quarters and vehicle dynamic situations. The Defenders have shown minimal POI shift on our rifles and maintenance is a breeze. The Defenders are solid suppressors and very well designed. Mr. Couvillion stands behind his product and was a huge help in getting this equipment to us as quickly as possible. I would highly recommend Mr. Couvillion, his company, Acadian Armament, and his products.
Sgt. MBD - ###SO Firearms Instructor
Patrol / Special Response Team / K-9
To date, I have equipped over 20 M16/M4 5.56 caliber 7.5" barreled carbines with the Defender suppressors. None of the rifles were initially set up for suppressor use but the Defender suppressor works very well with them through the addition of an H3 buffer & David Tubb Flat Buffer Spring combination. The selling points of the Defender to us was the cost value, smaller size, and replaceable baffle/core in case we ever have a bullet strike to the baffle/core. No need to replace the serial numbered component, just replace the core and press on.
PJB - ##SO Armorer
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Please tell us about your experience with Acadian Armament.
(Individual and Agency identities are redacted. Contact information will be provided only with explicit permission and to agency emails only.)